
Welcome to my website! I'm a Finnish developer, designer, artist and writer. Check out my blog where I write about my experiences and interests around various topics. Check the about page for more factual information. Also visit kauka.fi for another one of my projects.

Sincerely, Matti


I wonder if website authors have the same spike in activity as people who make new year's resolutions have with going to the gym.


I was planning on starting a tiny solo podcast this year but instead I'm crocheting for the winter and focusing on my drawing course for now. I'll focus on talking some other time.


The plan to blog more hasn't really caught wind yet. The main reason is that I need to be at my computer to make new entries. Tried sanity.io, a headless CMS, to make my life easier but it was a too big of a hassle to use. Haven't found a CMS with good enough UX and DX for my needs. I'll probably just wait for the GitHub app to get better.


I've been enjoying reading more blogs and less social media but I miss actually visiting blogs. As an experiment I switched from Reeder to Mailbrew and set up a weekly digest of my favourite blogs. Excited to try it out!


He says confidently, furiously knocking on a wooden table.

