A warm day out on the town

Time sure goes by fast. That's one overused phrase I'll try to keep the use of to a minimum.

It's been seven months since I moved to the Netherlands and four months since I started my current job. Yesterday was the first time I was able to go and enjoy a nice warm day out on the town with a couple of friends and a few good drinks—responsibly. There hasn't been many days in the past year that have felt like normal life but I'm glad there has been a couple, counting yesterday.

I filled the last page of a Leuchtturm1917 notebook on thursday—again. It's my favourite notebook for journaling. As I've mentioned before I originally started this blog as an evolution of my journaling habit. I still journal almost everyday but before cracking open a fresh notebook I'm going to try writing more on the blog and less on paper. I'm definitely still going to write just for myself in private but as a practice of sharing and learning I'm going to give this a shot. Stay tuned.

I've been working on a little game for some time now. Still with LÖVE. It's been going alright. I managed to use around 15 hours per week for a couple of weeks building on the pathfinding prototype I made earlier this year. I'm not quite sure on the design I made and it's getting a bit too complicated it's own good. I deciced to take a little break from coding to think things over again. I want to finish a game in 2021. That's the only plan I have currently.

Work in progress of a new game. A grid with coloured squares.

Almost forgot: I got a new domain. Welcome to my name dot com!